Tuesday, December 4, 2012

harmonizing the harmonies

"life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." confusious.

why do we always strive to make things more complicated than they have to be? why do we feel the need to change things that are already perfect? when something is beautiful and perfect already while still being simple, why would you add to it, changing it, making it complex and confusing? don't we always say that there is beauty in simplicity? why would we try and harmonize with the harmonies?

number one thing on my list of things to remeber. life isn't meant to be over complex. sure, it isn't easy. it isn't supposed to be. it is hard. but for a reason. and it is only supposed to make up think and challenge us to a certain point. why do we have to make it harder on ourselves. harder to live in. harder to listen to. why would we try to harmonize to the harmonies? why wouldn't we just try to be the harmony.

we live in a world of the high class, the hipsters, the indie, the cooler than everyone else. we live in a world that strives to be different. we live in a world full of competition and doubt. we live in a world of one ups. we live in a world that is confused. we are all unique in our own ways.

why would we hide those ways to make ourselves look unique in ways that someone else is already unique? why does everyone need david beckham hair? do we realize that nobody will be different if we are all changing into the same thing? aren't we born with qualities and talents that make up shine? that make us unique? of course. so why is everyone striving to be the next change, the next different, when the different is already instilled in them?

why don't we stop and realize that we don't have to stand out. we don't have to show everyone by our looks and style, by the type of music we listen to, the words we say, or even the tone we use.

how about we be the change that is already in ourselves. how about we show our true potential. be freaky, play the piano, be obesessed with harry potter, show everyone who we truely are. show everyone that we are unique by being ourselves.

how about we find a way to express ourselves other than trying to always win, always be better, the better singer, the louder singer, the better musician, the better athlete, the better person. how about we find a way to truely express ourselves in a postive way, a way that will not only help ourselves, but help others.

what about honesty? honesty is unique. in these days, nobody is honest. we live in a world that is supposed to "change". has it changed? in the way it was supposed to? was that honest? we have been promised things that haven't come true. we have banished all honesty.

honesty, let's start there. here. now. you and me.

i am obsessed with london.

i like listening to british music, because i like london, not because it's "unknown".

i like being sarcastic, for better or for worse.

i like the way i dress because i feel good that way, not because it is different.

i am not afraid to be too "mainstream"-sometimes mainstream is fun. try it.

i am not afraid to tell the world that i am good at school. and i rock my math class.

i am also not afraid to say that i suck at history, i am horrible in any history class.

i am not afraid to tell you that i like to write. that i like to express myself. in my own way.

i need to say that, sometimes i need a break from people. time to be alone. time to think.

i also am a quiet person. i like to listen and fix. i don't like to tell and share. so don't be surprised if i
don't open up to you. or won't open up to you. prying is not going to help.

there it is. my honesty. now. what can you do to show your honesty? what can you do to show that you are unique, by being yourself?

"be yourself, because everyone else is already taken". oscar wilde.